I like a lot about this. It's happy, with chords and melodies that are unique and make me feel all fuzzy inside. Definitely skilled in that, you did a great job.
Production as well. Unique sounds being used, makes everything more alive.
My main gripe, though, is the mixing. Of course, it's improvable.
What I hear as the main iffy thing is the kick and general bass in the drop. It's rumbly, and overtaking the track. It's like the kick is being compressed oddly, or something with the bass is complaining in a strange way. Something's off and it's doing strange subby things.
Check your compression, check your sub bass. If you're having trouble working with a specific bass, maybe try high-passing it and putting on a sine?
Perhaps multiple sets of audio devices could work as well. If you use speakers, try headphones. If you use headphones, try earbuds. Mix with different audio sources, because things will come up in some that don't come up in others.
Either way, that's something to look at on the next mixing pass for this, if there is to be one.
(A little bit of releveling and/or master compression could help the parts between and before the drops as well.)
Again, this is a great track. It's short and sweet, and something I genuinely enjoy. It works very well, and if you can figure out the mixing just a little bit more it'd sound even better.